Effective Altruism and Kidney Donation with Dylan Matthews

About the Episode

Do you ever stop to think about the effectiveness of the time and attention you put towards making a difference?   We all have the power to make the world a better place, but what could be possible if we all put more thought into maximizing our personal and financial resources?

Welcome to the world of Effective Altruism (EA) with non-directed kidney donor Dylan Matthews, a senior correspondent from Vox’s section Future Perfect.  Future Perfect reports on people and institutions trying to do the most good for the world they can.  Kidney donation is an unusually good way of help somebody, such that a given amount of effort goes an unusually long way.  And that’s what Effective Altruism is all about.

In this episode, Dylan walks us through the EA Movement, and discusses how many people in the EA Community are kidney donors.  Come check out the EA Community with us and take a look at the practical thinking that supports living kidney donation as an effective way to truly make a difference.