Commit, Then Figure It Out | EP 12

About the Episode

Welcome to Donor Diaries’ Season 1 closer!
In Season 1 of Donor Diaries, we covered a range of topics.  We covered how to ask somebody for a kidney, the pains and history of dialysis, how to manifest a kidney, kidney chains, living donor protections, the racial disparity that exists in our current transplant system, the economic value of a kidney, kidney donor athletes who climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, the Insider’s guide to living donation, and the exciting world of bone marrow.  Phew, what a great year!  In Episode 12 we revisit some highlights from Season 1 and catch up with Johnna and Mary from Episode 1, to see how Johnna is doing post-transplant, and Mary, post-donation.  We also check in with the Kidney Donor Athletes who climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, summiting on World Kidney Day!

Over 100,000 people are out there right now waiting for a lifesaving kidney transplant.  At least 13 people die a day waiting for one they never get.  Plain and simple- living donation solves this problem, this is a solvable problem! We have close to a dozen living donors on Donor Diaries this season, and they are all living proof that someone who donates a kidney goes on to live a totally normal and healthy life and has the same life expectancy of somebody with two kidneys.  Is living donation meant for everyone?  No, absolutely not!  But, it is a great option for some, that saves and improves lives of everyday people like you and me.  You don’t have to wait until you die to donate a kidney.  You can do it now and see the ripple effect of your donation while you are still alive.

We are taking a short break to start working on Season 2 of Donor Diaries, and hope you join us for Season 2 at the end of summer 2022.  Season 2 will feature more exciting transplant topics and human-interest stories about living kidney donation meant to educate and inspire!